Heal Your Life® Workshops & Teen emPOWERment Playshops
Transformational Workshops & Empowering Seminars for adults
Do you feel that there is something holding you back? Are you your own worst critic? Would you like to feel more confident?
“I looked forward to every workshop and it has changed my outlook on life, relationships and achievements amongst other things. I look forward to all future courses delivered by Toby. He is clearly very passionate about his work and it really comes across to the group.”
If you are looking for a life-changing experience, the two day Love Yourself, Heal Your Life® is the workshop for you. Uncover the negative beliefs that have been holding you back from achieving success (career, health, wealth, and relationships) and how to change them so you can create the life you dream of and deserve.
"Toby I cannot thank you enough for putting the last piece in the puzzle... It had so much impact on me and I owe you a big thank you for all the the things that will come because you helped me believe I deserve them." Nowra, Saudia Arabia
Heal Your Life® workshops and seminars are based on the principles of the book, “You Can Heal Your Life®”, by Louise L. Hay and have been attended by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. The two day Love Yourself, Heal Your Life® workshop is a powerful program that has participants raving about the life changes it has helped them make.
"Toby is an amazing workshop Leader. His clam, peaceful presence created space for me to connect with my inner self to get deeper insights. I would highly recommend Toby for a truly transformational experience." Ruchi, London
The basic Heal Your Life® philosophy is:
what we think about ourselves becomes true for us
every thought we think is creating our future
we create our experiences by our thoughts and our feelings
the thoughts we think and the words we use create our experiences
loving yourself is the foundation for positive change
we can forgive ourselves and those who hurt us to release the past
Part of the challenge is that we give our power away by blaming the past, other people, and difficult events for our frustration. When we learn to step outside the world of blame we can then choose to create peace, harmony, and balance in our minds and that’s what we will find in our lives.
"Toby you are a real teacher! Thank you very much for a wonderful workshop. The material was clearly conveyed and you allowed each participant to express themselves in an open and safe manner. It helped me a great deal." Noa, Israel
TOBY YOGA is proud to be the only Certified Heal Your Life® Facilitator in Sheffield offering the transformational workshops, seminars for success and empowering study groups. Contact us to find our more and to be kept in touch about future Heal Your Life® event.
Teen emPOWERment PlayShop
Teenagers nowadays are experiencing increasing levels of stress, anxiety and low self-esteem. This new program is especially designed to help empower teens in loving themselves & finding happiness in their lives, despite current issues and challenges they may be experiencing.
Teen emPOWERment PlayShop is a comprehensive program which explores all aspects of the body, mind, and emotions. Because awareness is the key to changing oneself, this program offers teens a unique opportunity to discover who they are, uncover limiting beliefs and their impact, all while gaining the confidence to live life with purpose & fulfillment.
It is inspired by the adult Heal Your Life® Workshop and taught by our fully trained (and Enhanced DBS Certificate holder) Teen emPOWERment PlayShop Instructor.
There are two workshops available, for younger children (aged 12 - 14) and for older teenagers (15 - 18 years of age.) Sharing is encouraged amongst the group.
Teens will learn how to:
LIKE who they are and begin to discover they are deserving & lovable
View themselves as valuable, worthy & POWERful
Recognize negative emotions & unwanted behaviors and learn tools to better manage them
Identify core beliefs and release negative beliefs
Build better relationships
Make better choices
Find inner wisdom & power
EmPOWER themselves while transforming their lives by working with the body, mind and spirit connection
Create harmony & balance in their lives
Develop a new vision of their futures & create supporting beliefs to achieve it.
Results: Fewer disruptions, improved resiliency, better collaboration between the teens, their families & any supporting professionals, and above all happier teens.
"The meditation was my favorite. I wish they would do that in school!" Meredith
All teens will learn from each other. This is not a support group. It is however a place for teens to learn new skills & tools to assist them in living a more self-fulfilling life, while supporting one another through the process. This is not therapy. However, these tools are complementary & integrative with already on-going therapy. During these interactive PlayShops, teens will engage while learning new resources through exercises, discussions and partner work.
"This PlayShop was fun! I like the Power Statements" Sarah
The Teen emPOWERment PlayShop is intended solely for teens, which creates a safe and comfortable environment for them to open up and share life experiences & concerns. (It is highly recommended that parents, caregivers and supporting staff to also learn these new philosophies by participating in the adult version of this program; the Heal Your Life® Workshop. This encourages continuity and further integrates what has been learned.)
"It was different, but I liked it!" Tony
Please note: caregiver’s consent is required for teens under age 18.
“Changing your mind is the first step to manifesting your best life. Remember that happiness isn’t something that can be found “out there”; it can only come from within, through self-love and acceptance.”
Got a question? Want to find out more about these life-enhancing workshops? Get in touch with Toby at TOBY YOGA or simply fill in the form below :
You can find TOBY YOGA on Info Holix.